HumAni Vie
The Animal Welfare European Certification Mark


Stunned before dying.


Access to the outside, enjoy day light.


Fair income.

Welfare based 
Production and Consumption

A unique ambition :
"Get certified welfare to a larger number of livestock animals (breeding, transport, slaughtering) and inform consumers about it with a label which increases meat’s monetary value therefore provides return on investment to farmers."

Videos, scandals, horrifying pictures of agonizing livestock worry you?
Breeding mistreatments, unworthy transport’s conditions, inhumane slaughtering get to you?

You really love animals and you like to eat meat. Besides you sign all petitions within your grasp and read any available articles regarding animal welfare. You want to make the right choice when going for meat groceries.

At time of purchase, how do you know that the meat you are selecting comes from Animals properly fed, housed, cared for, transported and slaughtered without being abused, without suffering more?
HumAni Vie is the European certification mark owned by the French animal welfare association: Canis Ethica. It aims: certifying livestock good cares while being bred, transported and slaughtered.

Eating meat?
Yes, while respecting Animals and Humans.

Animals are sentient beings. Just like us, they do feel pain, pleasure, fear. Benevolence towards them is fundamental.
Any suffering, unnecessary handling must be avoided.

At Canis Ethica we are convinced that it takes
  • Farmers fair income and
  • Consumers properly informed 
For Livestock Animals to get better breeding, transporting and slaughtering conditions as we demand.

Our aims

A label for animal and human welfare

We want that label on all meats to certify that for the time of their existence, Livestock Animals have lived in right, transparent and regularly controlled conditions.
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An upgraded life quality for livestock animals

Specification by species allowing transparent improvements in quality of life of Livestock Animals during breeding, transport and slaughtering.
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Restoring the link between Farmers and Consumers.

Breeding shapes landscapes, transmits values and knowledge.
Agriculture is wealth to be rediscovered with respect to its diversity.
Consumactors have a responsibility, a voice to carry.

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